Friday, January 2, 2009

On New Year's Day

You Spend the Day with FRIENDS who are LIKE FAMILY:
And you hang out, eat, drink, play games and look at all the GOOD in your life
and remind each other
God is GOOD all of the time!!!

From our family to yours:
We wish you all a Happy Blessed Filled 2009!


Darden Family said...

Yeah! What a fun New Year's Day! Tucker is bummed he missed the festivities due to too much Rumbly in the TUmbly, but overall it was a great day of food and friends. I will say that I didn't feel complete without everyone else there, but it was definitely fun to lose a game of spade to the Apples!

Kyla said...

Okay, now I know why my new hat keeps falling over my eyes...thanks a lot Keith! Just playing! We love you guys so much and would not want to start the new year any other way!